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HVCfP Technicians Conference

10/07/2018 - 10/07/2018

Research and technology updates, careers & networking! Travel/ accomm bursaries available

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Industrial Biotechnology Pitch Event, London


This Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy Showcase and Pitch Event is an opportunity for entrepreneurs.

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KTN Event- Unlocking the Potential of ‘Green Gases’ for Energy, Transport and Chemical Feedstocks, Leeds


‘Clean Growth’ is one of the four Grand Challenges highlighted in the Government’s Industrial Strategy, but how will we achieve it?

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BrisSynBio 4-day More Business Acumen (MBA) course, Unit DX business accelerator, Bristol

9/04/2018 - 12/04/2018

BrisSynBio 4-day More Business Acumen (MBA) course, Unit DX business accelerator, Bristol

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The Fuel and Energy Research Forum Inaugural Seminar of the Environment Interest Group & 2nd Meeting, The University of Sheffield


The Fuel and Energy research Forum Inaugural Seminar of the Environment Interest Group & 2nd Meeting, The University of Sheffield

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Innovation South Showcase – event run by Innovate UK (KTN), Farnborough


Innovation South Showcase – event run by Innovate UK (KTN), Farnborough

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Industry 4.0 – Innovation support event run by Innovate UK (KTN), Ipswich


Industry 4.0 – Innovation support event run by Innovate UK (KTN), Ipswich

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Become a member of The Carbon Recycling Network: Converting waste derived GHG into chemicals, fuels and animal feed

  • Network with biological, chemical, mathematics and process engineering specialists.
  • Apply for funding and gain critical mass in your field.
  • Gain access to useful resources and documentation.
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