Thursday 7th October, 14.00 – 16.00 GMT, Microsoft teams
Register via Eventbrite here.
The Supergen Bioenergy Hub, the Carbon Recycling Network, the Biomass Biorefinery Network, and the High Value Biorenewables Network recently submitted a joint response to a government call for evidence on The Role of Biomass in Achieving Net Zero. Together these networks are continuing to engage with policy makers as they develop the upcoming UK Biomass strategy, and this event is an opportunity for early career researchers from these communities to get involved!
The first part of the session will provide you with an introduction on how and why to engage with policy makers, and get some guidance from members of your community with experience doing so.
The second half of the session will give you a chance to talk to other early career researchers and contribute to discussions that will inform our continuing policy engagement. You will be encouraged to think about the policy implications of your work and the work of your sector, and what the key policy asks of your community might be.
This workshop is for Early Career Researchers who are members of the Carbon Recycling Network, the Biomass Biorefinery Network, the High Value Biorenewables Network, or the Supergen Bioenergy Hub SHARE network.
The SHARE network is open to all bioenergy PhDs, postdoctoral researchers and research fellows, or those of equivalent professional standing, belonging to formal partners of the Supergen Bioenergy Hub.
If you have any queries, please contact Joanna Sparks (Biomass Policy Fellow) via
Register via Eventbrite here.