The Chemistry and Industrial Biotechnology team invite you to join them at their first open forum which will take place on Wednesday 1st July at 10 am.
In a time of change and uncertainty, this offers an opportunity to share knowledge, connect to the KTN team and each other.
This will be a recurring meeting taking place every 6 months which aims to inform attendees of key activities across the team, highlight relevant funding and obtain feedback from the wider chemical and industrial biotechnology communities.
In this session we aim to:
- tell you about the activities that KTN’s Chemistry & Industrial Biotechnology team is currently engaged in, with particular focus on how the sector can move to ‘Net Zero’ manufacturing
- inform you about current and anticipated funding opportunities that the Chemistry & IB community could take advantage of
- introduce upcoming activities over the rest of this year and how you can contribute to these
Join us to find out what KTN’s Chemistry and Industrial Biotechnology team are doing and hear how you can get involved.